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This conference offers the option to submit the abstract, or the full manuscript. All accepted abstracts will be published in an abstract book and on the official web site of the conference. Accepted full-text manuscripts will be published in Advances in Health Sciences Research ( or a more suitable series in coordination with Atlantis Press, now part of Springer Nature.
In order to increase the visibility of this conference and of the papers from its participants, this conference has chosen to sponsor the online publication of the conference papers. All papers will be available online in Open Access, thus offering the best international visibility for your paper. Therefore, all conference papers can be read and downloaded for free; no subscription or other payment is required.
Papers will only be published if they are original, that these papers have not been submitted elsewhere and are written by the authors as given in the paper. All submitted papers must fall within the aims and scope of the conference; if not they may not be published.

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