Nursing Conference (18)
Conference Chairs
Chairman: Dr. Ahmad Rayan/ The Dean of the Faculty of Nursing/ Zarqa University.
Vice Chair: Prof. Nidal Eshah /Vice President of Zarqa University for Administrative Affairs/Faculty of Nursing/Zarqa University.
Organizing Committee Chairs
Chairman: Dr. Malek Khalil / Zarqa University
Dr. Mohammad Al-Sadi / Zarqa University
Prof. Amean A Yasir/ University of Babylon
Prof. Hani Nawafleh/ the Secretary General – Jordanian Nursing Council (JNC)
Website Chair
Dr. Maram Al-Safarini// Zarqa University
Dr. Ghada Abu Shosha/ Zarqa University
Dr. Latefa Dardas/The University of Jordan
Dr. Kristin Wainwright/ Duke university
Conference Secretary: Wafa'a Zaarour
All articles in the proceedings will be submitted for indexation in Web of Science (WoS), Conference Proceedings Citation Index )CPCI(, CNKI, Google Scholar, etc. Submission to Scopus is optional and the decision to submit to Scopus indexation will be made after an overall evaluation of the papers in conference proceedings.
Start Submission
Conference Submission Platform: https://equinocs.springernature.com/service/INC2023
User guide https://support.springernature.com/en/support/solutions/folders/6000239310
Review process
The Second International Nursing Conference at the Faculty of Nursing, Zarqa University, is committed to ensure a rigorous, high-quality and unbiased peer review process for all papers submitted to the conference. The scientific committee operates double-blind peer review process for all the abstracts and manuscripts submitted, where both the reviewer and the author remain anonymous. The process is conducted within two to three weeks after completing the submission by the authors. The review will be conducted by highly qualified academic researchers in different specialties of nursing science.
1. Review Procedure
After receiving a submission by conference submission management system (EquinOCS Springer Nature), the steps of the review process include:
Step 1: The publication chairs will initially check each submission to ensure its relevancy to the scope of the conference, and decide if it deserves further review.
Step 2: All manuscripts will be checked for possible plagiarism using Turnitin program to maintain scientific integrity. Papers with suspected plagiarism will be rejected.
Step 3: The publication chairs will assign each manuscript for at least two expert reviewers to review it based on pre-prepared quality criteria.
Step 4: One of the editors will then review reports received from the expert reviewers to judge if the comments are logical.
Step 5: If the editor decided that the comments are logical, then the review report will be sent to the corresponding author to modify the manuscript accordingly. If not logical, the editor can assign new reviewer or can review it by his/her own.
Step 6: Revised version of the manuscript will be initially checked by the editor to determine if the reviewers' comments have been addressed.
Step 7: the editor will then send the revised manuscript to the reviewer again for re-evaluation.
Step 8: If the reviewers validate the revised version of the manuscript, the Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision for the publication.
Note: the PC chair has the right to stop receiving and reviewing the abstract once the due date is reached or if one or more of the conference themes is saturated.
Reviewers will be instructed to assess the quality of manuscripts according to the academic merit of the content along the following dimensions:
1. Relevancy of the article’s content to the themes of the conference;
2. Originality and novelty of the research;
3. Contribution to knowledge;
4. Soundness of the methods, analyses, and results;
5. Adherence to the ethical standards and codes of conduct relevant to the research field;
6. Clarity, cohesion, and accuracy of language.
7. Following author guidelines and style.
In addition, all articles will be checked for textual overlap in an effort to detect possible signs of plagiarism.
Licence to Publish Agreement and Copyright Policy
The Publisher applies the copyright policy defined in the Creative Commons licence number 4 (attribution, non-commercial) (see for details: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), i.e. no copyright transfer is required from the authors. Through this agreement the Publisher obtains a sole and exclusive license to produce the work or any substantial part of the work, to sell the said work in book, serial, or electronic form in any language throughout the world, and to reproduce the work in any form mechanical, electronic, by sight or sound, or a combination of both.
Authors and editors have to accept the copyright policy of the Publisher. Authors should agree that the Publisher will have the exclusive right to commercially exploit the articles, both electronically and in print.
Each contribution must be accompanied by a Licence to Publish agreement. The corresponding author, who is also marked as such in the header of the paper, must sign the agreement on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper, having gained their permission to do so. He or she signs and accepts responsibility for releasing the material on behalf of any and all co-authors.
The corresponding author must be available to check the camera-ready paper. Please note that once a paper has been delivered to publisher, changes relating to the authorship of the paper cannot be made. Authors’ names cannot be added or deleted, their order cannot be changed, and the corresponding author cannot be altered.
Third party material
Authors and editors are responsible for overseeing the inclusion of third party content. By ‘third party content’ we mean any work that you have not created yourself and which you have reproduced or adapted from other sources. Authors should carefully read and follow policies related to third-party permissions (https://www.springernature.com/gp/policies/editorial-policies/third-party-permissions ). In case of revealing a violation, the participation will be cancelled and paper will not be published.
Code of conduct
Intellectual honesty and research integrity are essential in all scholarly work. Authors should follow the minimum standards as set out in the Springer Nature Code of Conduct for Authors (https://www.springernature.com/gp/authors/book-authors-code-of-conduct ). In case of violation of any of these standards, the participation will be cancelled and the manuscript will not be published.
Contribution Title
First Author1[0000-1111-2222-3333] and Second Author2[1111-2222-3333-4444]
1 Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544, USA
2 Springer Heidelberg, Tiergartenstr. 17, 69121 Heidelberg, Germany
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abstract. The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper in short terms, i.e. 150-250 words. The abstract should be unstructured single paragraph. It should be single-spaced in 9-point Times New Roman. Do not include bullets/lists, citations, or references in the abstract. The first part of your abstract should state the objectives of your study. Then, your abstract should describe the research methods. Your abstract should also indicate the results of the study. Finally, your abstract should state the conclusion and implications of your study. A maximum of 5 keywords separated with commas should be included. Abstract title should be brief and reflecting the content of the abstract, centered in bold. Abbreviations should not be used in the title. Acronyms should be written in full the first time they are mentioned in the text, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. The abstracts will be peer-reviewed and authors will be informed of acceptance.
Keywords: First Keyword, Second Keyword, Third Keyword.
Themes: Please, write the most two relevant themes for your abstract from the conference tracks. Visit the website and refer the conference tracks indicated.
Please abide by the following guidelines to facilitate the submission process and the successive evaluation process.
- Abstracts should reflect the original work.
- All abstracts should be submitted via the Conference Submission Platform: https://equinocs.springernature.com/service/INC2023
User guide https://support.springernature.com/en/support/solutions/folders/6000239310
- Abstracts should be submitted in sound English with accurate grammar and spelling.
- Abstracts previously presented or published will not be accepted.
- Indicate the most two relevant themes for your abstract from the conference tracks.
- Abstracts that do not follow to the guidelines will be returned to be modified.
- Abstracts will not be accepted after the given deadline unless the deadline is extended.
- The abstract should be submitted in the format of MSWord document.
Author Guidelines
Through the following link, you can fiind the author guidelines explaining everything you need to know regarding preparing your manuscript before submission to INC 2023.
This conference offers the option to submit the abstract, or the full manuscript. All accepted abstracts will be published in an abstract book and on the official web site of the conference. Accepted full-text manuscripts will be published in Advances in Health Sciences Research (https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/series/ahsr) or a more suitable series in coordination with Atlantis Press, now part of Springer Nature.
In order to increase the visibility of this conference and of the papers from its participants, this conference has chosen to sponsor the online publication of the conference papers. All papers will be available online in Open Access, thus offering the best international visibility for your paper. Therefore, all conference papers can be read and downloaded for free; no subscription or other payment is required.
Papers will only be published if they are original, that these papers have not been submitted elsewhere and are written by the authors as given in the paper. All submitted papers must fall within the aims and scope of the conference; if not they may not be published.